Saturday, March 13, 2010


Since I had Friday off for a short spring break, Sasha and Clara stayed with us Thursday night through Saturday. Friday we headed to the mall to look for Easter dresses. We just had to make a stop at Old Navy where the girls posed with the other models! We didn't find Easter dresses there, but we did find a few cute spring outfits.
We had a great day out and decided that since it is pouring buckets - raining - today (Saturday), we would stay inside and do some fun activities. Our first project was making brownie pops! Yes, this is similar to cake balls, but on a stick! I had two great helpers mixing brownie batter.
After the brownies baked halfway in a special brownie pop pan courtesy of Michael's, the girls took turns inserting the sticks. Then back in the oven to finish baking.
Then the fun (and mess!) began. I iced the brownie tops and then Sasha and Clara rolled them in sprinkles, sugar crystals, and non-pareils. They had such a good time!
Of course they had to do a little posing with their creations!
Her are some of their creations . Don't they look gorgeous!
Someone had to do the taste-testing, too!
After all of that work, a story is in order and Pap loves to read books to the girls!
Later, the young artists got serious. Throughout the day, the girls created more than 15 pieces of artwork, which are hanging on my refrigerator, cupboard doors, and basement door. My kitchen is an explosion of beautiful colors!

Look at the concentration of this young artist at work!

Finger painting was a big hit! Sasha looks like a member of the Blue Man Group!
Here are just two of the many amazing works of art! This princess was created by Sasha using pencil and glitter paint.
Clara created this lovely work of art using markers - she said it is her Nana! I am so honored!
I have to give the girls back to their Mom and Dad tonight - Sigh! It was a blast having little princesses in the house - giggly, imaginative, artistic, fun-loving girls! And what a plus it is that they love to shop! Don't know where the shopping gene comes from! (Hee! Hee!) Until next time . . . .

1 comment:

  1. Love this grandma post, Martina. Your little princesses are gorgeous!

