Yesterday morning in the midst of beautiful swirling snow, I threw on a pair of sneakers (n0- I do not own snowboots and yes, I am going to get some!) and went outside to take a picture or two of the "white stuff." It was brilliantly white and sparkly. There wasn't a sound to be heard, so quiet, until Jim went out a few minutes later and started the snowblower.
Even the tree on our porch wore a coat of the white stuff. The white lights just made the snow sparkle even more.
Throughout the day I just couldn't resist watching the snow fall. It has been so long since we have had a white Christmas or any kind of significant snowfall in our area, so I just enjoyed it. I spent the day doing laundry, cleaning, wrapping presents, making a last minute gift for someone on my list who shall remain nameless, and making a big pot of soup. I used Tastefully Simple's potato soup as a base and added vegies, diced chicken, Tastefully Simple Bacon-Bacon, and was it ever delicious! Jim appreciated it after having been outside three times over the course of the day removing snow from our driveway and some of our neighbors' driveways. There's nothing like some comfort food to ease an aching back! Today the sun is brightly shining and some of the snow is beginning to melt. I hope that just enough remains for a White Christmas!
Great pictures!